حملة مأوى للجميع
حملة يقودها دعاة المجتمع لتوفير المأوى على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع لجميع الأشخاص المشردين في منطقة واترلو
We Can Do Better اقرأ خطاب (يمكننا القيام بعمل أفضل)
تم إرسال الخطاب إلى جميع أعضاء المجالس البلدية والإقليمية لإطلاق عدد من الإجراءات الفورية لدعم المشردين تأمين المأوى للجميع
Unsheltered Testimonies — شهادات المشردين – اسمع من المشردين أنفسهم
الإجراءات الأخيرة لمنطقة واترلو وشركاء المجتمع
- ABTC, Unsheltered, Food Not Bombs, WR Yes In My Back Yard, and Social Development Centre Waterloo Region all had delegations at the regional council meeting on August 11th to address the report proposing to address the COVID overflow for single homeless men from Radisson Hotel and Kaufman YMCA/House of Hope before this winter; as well as, proposes a creation of alternative modular housing for 2021.The report did not address any of the 400 and more estimated residents in encampments in Cambridge and Kitchener who are currently not in the shelter system and how they would be supported before coming winter.The delegations can be heard in the meeting webcast, starting at 1hr and 50 min.
- Food Not Bombs & ABTC August 11, 2020, Laura Hamiton
- Unsheltered Presentation August 11th 2020, Lesley Crompton
- Final Audio Transcript Regional Council Aug 11, 2020, Heather Majaury
- and you can hear the voices of the people interviewed as a podcast.
- The Region has also secured the shelter overflow location at St Marks Lutheran Church, that will be operated by YWCA with 60 beds, before Indwell starts re-construction into 40 deeply affordable housing unites at the site in Spring of 2021.
- The Region will secure at least 160 dorm style shelter units for single men. With the agencies and partners they will increase the number of shelter spaces, and alternatives are explored such as eight double rooms for couples with YWCA and the barriers to access and restrictions to shelters are being lowered.
- In 2021, two regional parcels, one in Waterloo and one in Cambridge, will be the first sites to accommodate modular builds at affordable rents for low income residents.
- St John Kitchen encampment was the only encampment that had access to drinking water, porta-pottie and the eviction date has been extended to August 24. Unsheltered Campaign, 519 Community Collective and many community members mobilized their own resources to support the family of 10 that has lived at Fackoury’s but the acceptable alternatives were not available for everyone. The move was extra difficult as it was set up for the weekend when no staff was available for assistance and to cover the extra costs of storing people’s belongings, and putting them up into a motel.
- City of Kitchener and the Region of Waterloo are reviewing the public land inventories as potential locations for supported encampments/settlements while St Mary’s Catholic Church congregation has moved the eight winterized wooden cabins to the LOT42.
- House of Hope open for 28 men at Ray of Hope with House of Friendship, to shelter men who were at YMCA location until the end of July.
- Charles Street Terminal has more supply of refillable water bottles and food thanks to the donations from community members
- Charles Street Terminal is going to shorter hours and will be closed in August as the Kitchener City Hall washrooms open.
- City of Kitchener approved zoning bylaw suspension for 12 months for A Better Tent City at Lot42 (35 community members in cabins and tents)
Thank you all who sent your letters to municipal councils. We can do better to support all the unsheltered this summer and the coming winter!
If you want to send us a donation through direct bank autodeposit, please mark Unsheltered Fund and email sdcwr@waterlooregion.org.
Drop off hours changed:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2 pm — 5 pm
- Wednesday 2 pm — 7 pm
at Social Development Centre Waterloo Region
St John Church downtown Kitchener
23 Water Street North
Entrance from Duke Street
In the MEDIA
- Social media channels:
- Regan Brussé , Blue Sky Horse on CKMS-FM 102.7 Radio Waterloo Community supporting unsheltered encampments
- Regan Brussé & Social Development Centre WR Media Release April 11: We need a fighting chance for our unsheltered!
- Aleksandra Petrovic with Brian Bourke on 570 News speaking about the needs of the unsheltered in Waterloo Region. Tune in at 47m 27s
- Listen to Community Connections interview with Regan Brussé at CKMS-FM 102.7 about the Unsheltered Campaign.
- Heather Majaury’s second letter to the elected representatives on April 9, and you can hear her read it to you at: 2020 04 09 Heather Majaury Letter in support of the unsheltered
Download: 2020-04-09-Heather-Majaury-Letter-in-support-of-the-unsheltered.mp3, 6 MBytes, 6m03s
You can donate to the Civic Hub or Unsheltered Campaign funds at our CanadaHelps portal.