Episode 030 – Melissa Bowman from Yes In My Backyard (Waterloo Region YIMBY)

On today’s episode, we’re diving into the work of Waterloo Region Yes In My Backyard (WR YIMBY), a grassroots movement advocating for zoning reform in the cities of Waterloo Region. WR YIMBY pushes for policies that support the creation of more housing, with a focus on affordable housing. Tune in to learn how this group is working to make our cities more inclusive and accessible for everyone.

Woman with long brown hair and glasses sitting at microphone while wearing headphones.

Melissa Bowman of WRYIMBY

About Waterloo Region Yes In My Backyard (YIMBY): 


DownloadDownload Episode 030 – Melissa Bowman of YIMBY (Episode 030, 26m58s, 36.1 MBytes)

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The Civic Hub is online at https://civichubwr.org You can reach the Civic Hub by e-mail at info@civichubwr.org, or by phone at +1‑519‑579‑3800 option 3. Welcome To The Civic Hub is produced at the studios of CKMS-FM 102.7 Radio Waterloo. The show is sponsored by the Social Development Center of Waterloo Region, the executive producer is Aleksandra Petrovic, Ritika Shrimali is the producer, and Bob Jonkman and Ritika are the hosts. Civic hub is supported by the Region of Waterloo Upstream Fund.

Civic Hub logoSee all the Welcome To The Civic Hub posts.

Interview content is Copyright © 2024 by the participants and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Copy, re-use, and deriviatives works are allowed with attribution to The Civic Hub Waterloo Region and a link to this page.

The theme music is A Good Bass by Komiku from the Free Music Archive, and used under a 0 | Public DomainCreative Commons CC-Zero license.

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