Aleksandra Petrovic – Social Development Centre Waterloo Region
Aleksandra Petrovic speaks with Bob Jonkman about the origins of the Civic Hub, the Social Development Centre’s involvement in getting it set up, “Third Spaces” and their importance in the community, and the contributions of St. John The Evangelist church in providing the venue.
Social Development Centre Waterloo Region
Contact: Aleksandra Petrovic
Address: 23 Water Street North, Kitchener, Ontario Map
- Website: http://waterlooregion.org/
- Twitter: @SDCWR
- Facebook: Social Development Centre Waterloo Region | Facebook
- YouTube: Social Development Centre Waterloo Region | YouTube
- E-mail: info@waterlooregion.org
- Phone: +1‑519‑579‑3800 option 1
Tax Clinics
When: March and April 2020
Where: Social Development Centre Waterloo Region at the Civic Hub
Location: 23 Water Street North, Kitchener, Ontario Map
Phone: +1‑519‑579‑3800 option 5
Website: 2020 Tax Clinic
Grassroots Connection, 2020 Annual General Meeting
When: Tuesday, 7 April 2020 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Where: Social Development Centre Waterloo Region at the Civic Hub
Location: 23 Water Street North, Kitchener, Ontario Map
Website: Grassroots Connection, 2020 Annual General Meeting
Download welcome-to-the-civic-hub-001.mp3 (Episode 001, 27m20s, 25 MBytes)
Subscribe to the Welcome To The Civic Hub podcast.
YouTube: Welcome To The Civic Hub – Episode 001
The Civic Hub is online at https://civichubwr.org You can reach the Civic Hub by e-mail at info@civichubwr.org, or by phone at +1‑519‑579‑3800 option 3. Welcome To The Civic Hub is produced at the studios of CKMS-FM 102.7 Radio Waterloo, and airs on Fridays from 10:00am to 11:00am. The show is sponsored by the Social Development Centre of Waterloo Region, the executive producer is Aleksandra Petrovic, and it is hosted by Bob Jonkman. Some funding for the Civic Hub is provided by Heritage Canada through the Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program.
See all the Welcome To The Civic Hub posts.

The theme music is A Good Bass by Komiku from the Free Music Archive, and used under a Creative Commons CC-Zero license.